Global Political Islam

  • IS Brainwashes Children in Afghanistan

    August 02, 2019

    Recent photos posted by Islamic State (IS) fighters active in Afghanistan show children cheering as they watch the beheading of a Taliban fighter, underscoring IS's use of shock techniques to accustom children to violence and Islamist radicalization.

  • Saudi Policies Fall Short on Women’s Equality

    August 02, 2019

    A royal decree issued by Saudi Arabia's Islamic theocratic regime announcing that women will no longer require permission from a male guardian to travel abroad is another step in dismantling the Wahhabist Islamist system that treats women as second-class citizens but does nothing to recognize women’s civil and political rights.

  • Philippines Authorities Arrest Bin Laden Associate

    August 02, 2019

    The arrest of a close associate of Osama bin Laden's family in the Philippines has trained a spotlight on the expanding, active presence of radical Islamist organizations using the Philippines as a hub for jihadist operations.

  • Tunisia's Islamist Party Considers Presidential Bid

    August 01, 2019

    The leader of Tunisia's Islamist Ennahda Party announced that he may run for president in the country's upcoming elections, signaling the possibility that the progenitor of the Arab Spring events may soon have an Islamist government whose platform has "exited political Islam" in favor of "democratic Islam."

  • Saudi Policies Sustain Domestic Support for Yemen War

    August 01, 2019

    Saudi Arabia's Islamist theocratic regime has developed policy measures, including spending packages and messaging from imams and soldiers, to sustain domestic support for its Sunni sectarian war in Yemen begun four years ago at a massive humanitarian cost.

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