Global Political Islam

  • Sharia Punishments Reintroduced in Afghanistan with Public Floggings

    November 22, 2022

    The Taliban Islamic Emirate regime had reintroduced corporal punishments based on the application of sharia law, with men and women publicly flogged in a town in northeastern Afghanistan for allegations of the crimes of adultery, running away from home, and theft, in a sign that strict sharia norms and practices are being implemented at all levels in the South Asian country. 

  • Taliban Sharia Regime Squeezes Women’s from Education & Public Sphere

    November 22, 2022

    Women and girls are being victimized under the Taliban’s sharia regime in Afghanistan, where limitations on girls K-12 education have been augmented with restrictions on professions open to women in graduate study and work, and the escalation of bans on women in public spheres are enforced by the country’s Ministry for Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. 

  • Turkey's Judiciary Blocks Inquiries on Links Between Ruling Islamist Regime and IS

    November 22, 2022

    Turkey's judiciary has continually blocked requests from civil society groups and opposition parties using country's Right to Information Act to secure data on arrests, prosecutions, convictions, and time served by IS operatives and sympathizers in the NATO member-state, raising questions about the criminal justice system's complicity in cooperation between the Islamist regime in Ankara and IS jihadism.

  • Hezbollah Exploits Honorary Consul System for Rogue Diplomacy Promoting Worldwide Islamist Extremism

    November 22, 2022

    According to a newly released report by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and ProPublica, Iran-backed-Lebanon-based Islamist terror group Hezbollah is effectively exploiting the system of "honorary consuls" with Hezbollah operatives and sympathizers who function as rogue diplomats helping to secure financing and money laundering, accomplish narcotics trafficking, and develop private and public sector collaborators, for Islamist extremist operations worldwide.

  • World Cup Puts Qatar's Islamist Regime Under Microscope for Human Rights Abuses

    November 22, 2022

    Qatar's Islamic Emirate is coming under intense critique in the runup to this weekend's World Cup competition, given the impacts of the sharia regime on labor rights and practices, LGBTQ freedoms, and financial corruption corrosive for rule of law.  

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