Global Political Islam

  • Turkey Exports Islamism Across Mideast Region

    July 19, 2019

    Turkey's foreign policy of exporting the ruling party’s Islamist ideology relies on government agencies and "charities" that fund youth programs and build schools in neighboring countries, with the goal of establishing an international body that resuscitates the Ottoman caliphate in Istanbul.

  • OIC Ministers Condemn Israeli Actions to “Judaize Jerusalem”

    July 18, 2019

    The foreign ministers of the 57 member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have issued a condemnation of Israel’s recent launch of the Jewish Pilgrims archaeological project in Jerusalem as a “colonial activity” that will accelerate the Israeli government’s attempt to “Judaize Jerusalem.”

  • Captured Operative Explains Totalitarian Structure of IS

    July 18, 2019

    A recently captured Turkish operative of the Islamic State (IS) described the totalitarian structure of the Islamist organization as rooted in the role of Muslim clerics and Koranic sources that justify no internal dissent and the use of beheadings and other forms of capital punishment against Christian and Jewish “infidels.”

  • Pakistan Serves as Incubator for Jihadist Groups

    July 18, 2019

    Pakistan’s arrest of the alleged mastermind of the 2008 terrorist attacks against the Indian city of Mumbai has shed new light on the geopolitically critical Southwest Asian country as an incubator and haven for some of the world’s most dangerous jihadist groups and ideologies.

  • Military Defeat of IS Did Not End Islamist Extremism

    July 18, 2019

    Observers should not mistake the military defeat of the Islamic State (IS) caliphate in Iraq and Syria for the termination of radical Islamism, since data show that the causal factors in extremism and the foreign-fighter phenomenon remain strong worldwide.

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