Global Political Islam

  • Remaining IS Forces Target Christians in Northeast Syria

    July 17, 2019

    Islamic State (IS) forces perpetrated a suicide-bombing attack near a church in a Christian-majority town in northeast Syria, indicating the Islamist group’s sustained jihadist objectives against Christian communities.

  • Trauma Remains Challenge for Children Freed from IS Captivity

    July 17, 2019

    According to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), rehabilitation from psychological and physical trauma suffered by ethnic and religious minority children and infants liberated from Islamic State (IS) captivity in Iraq remains a long-term challenge.

  • Turkey Recruits North American Muslim Youth with Free Travel

    July 17, 2019

    Turken, a US-based foundation funded and staffed by family members of and others with connections to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is providing free trips for North American Muslim youth to Turkey to learn an official anti-Western Islamist civilizational narrative.

  • Data Suggest Decline in Support for Iran’s Islamist Model

    July 17, 2019

    Data on jobs creation, income inequality, provision of health care, and quality-of-life metrics in Iran point to the Islamist regime’s creation of class of economic oligarchs and religio-political cronies, leading to projections for free elections that suggest 70 percent of voters would reject the continuation of the Islamic revolutionary model.

  • Saudi Arabia May Relax Wahabbist Guardianship System

    July 17, 2019

    Unconfirmed reports suggest the Saudi Arabian government may relax the strict guardianship rules that prevent women from traveling without the permission of a male guardian, a move that would indicate the loosening of strict Wahhabist control over all aspects of social life in the Kingdom.

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