Global Political Islam

  • Sri Lanka Takes Action to Curb Saudi Wahhabism Influence

    July 10, 2019

    In the wake of the high-casualty Easter 2019 bombings perpetrated by Islamist militants in Sri Lanka, government officials are taking steps to crack down on the influx of funding by Saudi Arabia to schools and activities that disseminate the Wahhabist Kingdom’s extremist Islamic ideology.

  • Islamist Extremism Spreads to South Africa

    July 03, 2019

    South Africa’s government is grappling with preventive action to halt the contagion of Islamist extremism from the African Continent’s southeastern corridor.

  • OIC Encyclopedia Promotes Islam as Religion of Peace, Tolerance

    July 03, 2019

    The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) forthcoming International Islamic Encyclopedia of Tolerance aims to promote Islam as a religion whose “universal message of peace, moderation, and tolerance” and, according to the leadership of the global Islamic organization, will help to “counter Islamophobia.”

  • Al-Qaeda Leverages War on Terror for Jihadi Mission

    July 02, 2019

    Al-Qaeda leadership has used the US War on Terror as an ideological tool to create a unified global jihadi mission that gains recruits and operational traction by customizing to local and regional environments across Eurasia, Africa, and Europe.

  • OIC Takes Aim at Israeli Development Project

    July 02, 2019

    The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the 57-member-state group whose mission is to act on behalf of the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims, has condemned Israel over its new antiquities and tunnel project in Jerusalem.

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