Global Political Islam

  • Silicon Valley Remains Slow in Scrubbing Islamist Extremist Content

    June 28, 2019

    Silicon Valley remains behind the curve in scrubbing multi-media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube of Islamist extremist content, as evidenced by the presence of radicalization materials posted by notorious, deceased al-Qaeda leaders.

  • Islamist Insurgents Execute Nigerian Civilians

    June 28, 2019

    Only a week after a lethal suicide-bombing attack in a neighboring village killed at least 30 civilians, Islamist insurgents waging a war to make Nigeria a sharia state executed at least 20 civilians in a village in the northeastern part of the country.

  • Rights Groups Call for Release of Mauritanian Blogger

    June 28, 2019

    The President of Mauritania has rebuffed calls from human rights groups for him to release a blogger still jailed two years after serving time for “blasphemy against Islam,” maintaining the “infidel” blogger’s ongoing detention is aimed to protect his safety and to maintain public order in the conservative Islamic republic.

  • Turkey’s Islamists Expand African Influence

    June 26, 2019

    The AKP Islamist regime ruling Turkey since 2002 is using the Turkey-Africa Partnership as a diplomatic, economic, and educational platform to radicalize the African Continent’s Muslim populations.

  • US Ruling May Result in Reduced Sentence for Islamist Scholar

    June 26, 2019

    This week’s US Supreme Court decision striking down a “crimes of violence” statute as unconstitutionally vague may lead to a reduction in the sentence of an American-born Islamist scholar convicted of radicalizing and recruiting fighters to join the Taliban in their battle to impose sharia law across Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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