Global Political Islam

  • Iran’s Regime Targets Universities as Opposition Mounts against Islamist Cultural Revolution

    November 08, 2022

    Iran’s universities are part of the wave of anti-government protests that have swept the country in the wake of the death of a young Kurdish woman in custody of the country’s virtue-and-vice morality police, with the regime targeting university students with violence and arrests because of their opposition to the Islamist cultural revolution and sharia state imposed in the country since 1979. 

  • U.S. Federal Court Sentences Kansas Woman for ISIS Activities in Syria

    November 07, 2022

    A Kansas woman known by the moniker “Empress of ISIS” was sentenced to 20 years in practice by a U.S. federal court for her terrorism activities in Syria, where she trained women and girls for an all-female battalion supporting the Islamist terror group’s activities in the Middle East, and for her role in planning possible jihadist actions inside the United States. 

  • AQ Releases New Manuel on Jihad in Sudan

    November 02, 2022

    Sudan's leading Al Qeada (AQ) ideologue and collaborator with Osama bin Laden has condemned democracy as an "infidel project" and called for a jihad against the government of Sudan, in a detailed how-to manual published by an Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) publishing house, with the compilation of ideological, organizational, and operational guidelines for jihadis providing a window into the clear and present danger posed by the durable AQ leadership structure.

  • IS Militants Perpetrate Shiraz Shrine Attack in Iran

    November 02, 2022

     Iran's Islamist regime has vowed revenge against the "takfiri" perpetrators, a category used for Sunni hardliners, after IS militants claimed responsibility for a multi-casulaty attack on a Shiite shrine in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz, with Tehran's leadership characterizing the sectarian attack as opportunist violence by external actors aiming to destabilize the country during the weeks'-long mass protests after a young Kurdish woman was killed in police custody on charges of violating the regime's sharia headscarf policy.

  • Islamist Groups Expand Online Content Aimed at Recruitment in Latin America

    November 02, 2022

    Islamist extremist groups are systematically expanding their Spanish-language online content, including ideological and terrorist-technological sites, in a move aimed at influence-building in Latin America, with radicalization and recruitment in the Western Hemisphere part of jihadists' global strategy for expanding "extremisms and terrorism in the West,"  according to Spain's leading strategic studies tank Elcano Royal Institute.

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