Global Political Islam

  • Islamist Regimes Battle over Future Control of Jerusalem

    May 22, 2019

    The hardline Islamist regimes of Saudi Arabia and Turkey are pushing to marginalize moderates Jordan and, to a lesser extent, Morocco in representing Muslim interests involving control over the city of Jerusalem in the runup to the US’s anticipated rollout of a comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.

  • Taliban Leader Talks Sharia Goals Against Backdrop of “Peace Talks”

    May 15, 2019

    The Taliban’s lead negotiator in “peace talks” with the US for an American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan has gone public with his longterm objectives of establishing a sharia state in the geopolitically critical Southwest Asian nation after the Taliban “defeats the US superpower.”

  • IS Leader's Video Shows Caliphate's Staying Power

    May 08, 2019

    The recent video message of Islamic State (IS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi after his long hiatus from public appearance is an important signal of the staying power and vision of IS, which al-Baghdadi made clear is now a global jihadist group committed to local disruptive operations and a long time horizon.

  • Sri Lanka Bans Islamic Face Coverings

    April 29, 2019

    The government of Sri Lanka has banned Islamic face coverings for women in the aftermath of the Easter Day suicide attacks by Islamist militants, citing security concerns that link wearing of the niqab/hijab to the creeping influence of Saudi Arabia on radicalization of Sri Lanka's Muslim population.

  • Islamist Radicalization in Sri Lanka Points to Saudi Influence

    April 29, 2019

    The Muslim communities in the hometown of the mastermind behind the Easter terror attacks in Sri Lanka have undergone a steady process of social and political radicalization in the expanding numbers of mosques, cultural centers, and schools funded by Saudi Arabia and other Wahhabi regimes from the Arabian Gulf.

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