Global Political Islam

  • Iran's Chief Ayatollah Endorses Arrests-Indictments of Protestors as Agents of Enemy Actors

    October 26, 2022

    Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has publicly endorsed the arrest and indictment of protestors demonstrating against the Islamist regime's human rights abuses in the aftermath of the death-in-custody of Iran's morality policy of Mahsa Amini, with the head cleric denouncing demonstrators and those held in custody as "agents of the enemy."

  • Islamist Cash Protection Rackets Will Be Targeted by Somali Government in Effort to Stop Jihadi Disruption

    October 26, 2022

    The al-Shabab Islamist extremist group waging a jihadist conflict in Somalia has financed its operations through extensive financial extortation as protection for businesses, and the Somali MInistry of Commerce and Industry is aiming to shut down those financing flows by bringing legal action against business and commercial interests who pay protection monies to al-Shabab.

  • French Cement Giant Pleads Guilty to Collusion with Jihadists

    October 21, 2022

    French company Lafarge pleaded guilty to providing material support to the Islamic State (IS) and al-Nusra Front (ANF) in Syria through Lafarge Cement in the form of a multi-million-dollar revenue sharing agreement and payoffs to the jihadist groups for permission for local operations in Syria, with US Justice Department officials heralding the massive fines imposed on Lafarge as a landmark prosecution of corporate material support for Islamist terrorism. 

  • Turkish-Funded Cologne Mosque Broadcasts Prayer Call

    October 20, 2022

    Germany's largest mosque in the country's fourth-largest city broadcast the Islamic call to prayer for the first time, in a two-year trial agreement between the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB) and the city authorities, in a move heralded by the DITIB General Secretary as a sign of social and religious inclusion for European Muslims and as a possible signal of the politicization of religion by Turkey's Islamist regime, which funds DITIB.

  • Turkey Uses Scout Camps as Instrument of Political Islamism in France

    October 20, 2022

    Turkey’s Islamist regime is actively using scouting camps in France as a tool for socio-political mobilization of religion, with the chief imam Ali Erbas of Ankara's Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet) recently opening a new scout camp in the large north-central French city of Corbeil Essonnes as part of what he described as a strategy to integrate scouting activities with theological training through the joint activities of the Diyanet, its French branch of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), and the Turkish Scouting and Guiding Federation.

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