Global Political Islam

  • Competing Jihadi Groups in African Sahel Show Resilience

    April 23, 2019

    The diverse ecosystem of Islamist jihadi groups competing for recruits across a growing territorial footprint of the Sahel region stretching across Central and Southern Africa is showing resilience and durability by using material incentives and targeted ideological messaging to establish a "brand" and to sustain a steady source of recruits.

  • UN Official Condemns Brunei's New Sharia Laws

    April 23, 2019

    UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet has called on the government of Brunei to halt implementation of the country's new penal code, which would impose the penalty of death by stoning for homosexuality, adultery, rape, and blasphemy against Islam's Prophet Mohammed.

  • Religious, Social Cleavages Harden in Iran

    April 23, 2019

    The growth in the Islamic Republic of Iran of regime-funded "safe havens" in the form of housing enclaves and commercial and social complexes designed to operate according to Shiite religious principles points to the deepening of social and religious cleavages in the country.

  • Observers Accuse Saudi Arabia of Diversion in Releasing Activists

    April 23, 2019

    International human rights groups widely view the temporary release by Saudi Arabia’s courts of three women’s rights activists who are part of a larger trial of female activists charged with undermining the security of Saudi Arabia as a political attempt to divert attention from the discriminatory laws against which the indicted women protested.

  • Multiple Factors Make IS a Continuing Threat After Caliphate’s Fall

    April 23, 2019

    Despite the military defeat of the Islamic State (IS) caliphate in Iraq and Syria, the Islamist jihadi group remains a global security threat due to IS’s sophisticated use of cyber radicalization and recruitment methods, extensive cash reserves, and a diffuse international franchising structure with demonstrated capacity for lethal local operations.

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