Global Political Islam

  • IS Longterm Impact Shows in Challenges of Reintegrating Children Repatriated from Caliphate

    July 11, 2022

    The challenges of reintegrating IS foreign-fighter children repatriated from the caliphate war zone to Kyrgyzstan are indicative of the broader, longterm damage, across Central Asia and beyond, perpetrated by the Islamist terror group, as home governments and societies are asked to provide a combination of psycho-social, educational, and economic support needed to reintegrate children traumatized by the experience of the IS caliphate. 

  • Turkey’s Islamo-Nationalists Threaten NATO Allies in

    July 06, 2022

    Turkey’s Islamist President and his nationalist cohort are threatening NATO Allies Greece and America with military action in the Eastern Mediterranean, rejecting the former’s sovereignty and condemning US military bases in Greece as a “direct threat” to Turkey, with Ankara’s Islamo-nationalist saber rattling articulated as Turkey’s push-back against the “infidel West.”

  • UAE Sharia Giant Acquires Majority Stake in Major UK Sharia Real Estate Financial Company

    July 06, 2022

    United Arab Emirates (UAE) multi-sector sharia-compliant investment company Gulf Islamic Investments has acquired a majority stake in OFFA, the UK’s first sharia-compliant real estate bridge financier, a move signaling the growing important of Islamic finance in the UK and aiming to grow the sharing-complaint real estate market in England’s city of Birmingham, which has the highest concentration of Muslims living in the United 

  • Malaysia’s Religious Affairs Minister Warns of Consequences for Insulting Islam

    July 06, 2022

    Malaysia’s Religious Affairs Minister has publicly warned that insults to Islam will produce “untoward incidents” in Malaysia and abroad, providing implicit support for blasphemy laws curbing speech freedoms in the name of respecting Islam, while he also reiterated that Islam and national identity are inseparable in the Southeast Asian nation in which Sunni Islam is the official state religion. 

  • French Court Convictions of 2015 IS Terrorists Highlights Europe’s Islamist Radicalization Problem

    July 01, 2022

    The conviction by a French special court this week of 20 individuals associated with executing the Islamic State’s (IS) multi-site, high-casualty terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015 brought the trial to a close, but reminded Europe of the complexities of understanding the origins and security risks of Islamist radicalization and transnationalism, given that almost all of the IS perpetrators were born in either Belgium or France and not in IS caliphate territories of Iraq and Syria. 

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