Global Political Islam

  • Kansas Woman’s Guilty Plea Signals Sustained Focus of IS for Attacks on American Homeland

    June 13, 2022

    The conclusion of a high-profile trial of a Kansas woman who pled guilty of providing material support to IS revealed  that the Islamist extremist group continues to plan terrorist operations inside the United States, since the women provided granular details of her training of girls and women in the use of weapons and suicide belts, as well as of various plans by IS to carry out high-casualty attacks on civilian targets.

  • Islamists Use Turkey’s Citizenship Laws to Establish Operations

    June 13, 2022

    According to Nordic Monitor, Turkey’s Islamist regime has eased citizenship requirements for foreign nationals in a bid to attract foreign direct investment, while also turning a blind eye to Islamist entities’ use of Turkey as a space for extremists to establish bases of operation.

  • Afghanistan Emerges as Key Battleground for Competing Islamist Extremist Groups

    June 08, 2022

    A new UN expert report on security conditions in Afghanistan warns of increasing cooperation between the ruling Taliban Islamist extremist regime and al-Qaeda in a competitive front against the local Islamic State branch, pointing to the geopolitically crucial South Asian country as a regional epicenter for global jihadist groups who have a shared commitment of hostility to Western values and willingness to use violence against Western countries and interests. 

  • Islamic Blasphemy Laws Increase Mob Violence and Vigilante Justice

    June 08, 2022

    Recent episodes of mob violence and vigilante Justice in Nigeria and Pakistan highlight a global trend whereby Islamic blasphemy laws are used to target religious minority communities and mentally disabled persons, with states from West Africa to South Asia using Islamism as a domestic legitimation tool and, consequently, demonstrating their unwillingness to support rule of law and human rights regimes that can halt the pernicious spread of extremist political Islam. 

  • Islamism in Western Societies Grows

    June 08, 2022

    According to Lorenzo Vidino writing for the Hudson Institute, the multi-generational growth of Islamism in European and North American contexts is defined by a steady expansion in numbers, political influence, and social impact, as a result of an entrepreneurial approach to identity issues, multi-stakeholder coalition-building, and multi-media messaging.

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