Russia & OIC Islamic Theocracies Celebrate Anti-Westernism & Commit to Cooperation
May 27, 2022
Political and religious elites from Russia’s autocratic regime and Islamic theocratic regimes met in Kazan, Russia for the 12th Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group, with leaders from Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Sudan and other states from the 57 member-states of the global Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) celebrating the collaboration between the Kremlin and the OIC against the West.
Turkey Readies to Expand Cleansing of Minorities in Northern Syria
May 27, 2022
NATO-member Turkey’s Islamo-nationalist regime is preparing for an expanded military operation in northern Syria, with regional security experts forecasting that the expansion of the Turkish military’s “occupation safe zone” in its neighbor will produce cleansing of non-Sunni religious minorities and non-Turkish ethnic minorities, as Ankara’s Islamist government aims to use force and demographic engineering to achieve its revisionist foreign policy goals.
Islamic State Continues Islamist Fratricide with Latest Attack Inside Afghanistan
May 27, 2022
The Islamic State’s Afghan franchise (Islamic State Khorasan Province, IS-K) is continuing its religious fratricidal war against Afghanistan’s Taliban Islamist regime, carrying out a series of multi-casualty attacks against a series of civilian targets near the country’s capital city of Kabul, in an longing effort to destabilize the South Asian country and wrest control from its jihadi competitor.
Turkey’s Support for Islamist Radical Financing Revealed in US Treasury Designation
May 26, 2022
Support by NATO-member Turkey’s Islamist regime for financing and operations support to Islamist terrorism was revealed in a recent designation by the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of an Indonesian national living in Turkey as an IS financial facilitator, underscoring the permissive conditions inside Turkey.
Current Islamist Threat Defined by Global Scope and Adaptive Resilience
May 26, 2022
The recent meeting in Morocco of the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh/ISIS took stock of the current structure and operations of the radical Islamist group as part of the multilateral coalition’s mission to degrade and defeat ISIS, concluding that the group remains a clear and present threat because of global scale and adaptive resiliency, with IS advantages for recruitment deriving from popular grievances.