Global Political Islam

  • US Treasury Designation Underscores Scope of IS Financial Network

    May 25, 2022

    The US Treasury Department’s recent designation and asset freeze of five individuals identified as IS (Islamic State) financial facilitators underscores the global scope of Islamist extremism, as the facilitators functioned across Turkey, Indonesia, and Syria to support fundraising, foreign-fighter and displaced-person camp recruitment, travel, and operations for sustaining the Islamic State. 

  • Leaked British Report Generates Controversy About Scope of Islamist Extremist

    May 25, 2022

    A forthcoming evaluative report commissioned by Britain’s Home Office, which is responsible for immigration, security, and domestic law and order, on the efficacy and direction of the Prevent Strategy designed as a counter-terrorism program, is generating controversy because of the conclusions by the task force head that Prevent should recommit to focus on Islamist extremism as a clear and present danger to Europe, rather than divert focus and resources to rightwing extremism. 

  • Taliban Order Full Face Covering for Female TV Journalists

    May 25, 2022

    The Taliban regime in Afghanistan intensified its oppression of women under the sharia state by ordering that all female television journalists must wear a full face covering or face punishment for non-compliance, a move that expands the oppressive rulings of the Ministry for Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtue, which has forbidden women to travel unaccompanied by a male relative and has banned Education for girls beyond the sixth grade. 

  • Arrest of Islamist Militants Shows IS Threat Remains Active in Indonesia

    May 25, 2022

    Indonesia’s counter-terrorism task force arrested two dozen individuals for suspected affiliation with the Islamic State (IS), with the suspects belonging to the East Indonesia Mujahideen (MIT) extremist group that has perpetrated violence against police and Christian minority communities in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country. 

  • VOA: US Special Forces Deploy to Somalia to Battle Terrorism

    May 23, 2022

    A decision by the US government to deploy to a 500-strong special forces unit to Somalia as part of America’s global counter-terrorism strategy reflects an acknowledgment by Euro-American and African intelligence experts that Al-Shabab, the Somali homegrown Islamist extremist group affiliated with al-Qaeda, constitutes a clear and present danger to global stability, given the organization’s ongoing jihadi operations in Somalia and the Sahel and Horn of Africa regions and in view of the transnational, extra-regional Islamist terror networks in which Al-Shabab is actively engaged. 

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