UK Report on Terrorism in Prisons Highlights Islamist Radicalization Threats
April 28, 2022
The UK Ministry of Justice commissioned a special inquiry into the threat of Islamist radicalization in prisons, and the governments independent review of terrorism legislation reports that prisons have become radicalization and recruitment spaces for Islamist extremists, with structural problems compounded by the constraints on prison staff in discussing religion and, particularly, Islam in an environment where Islamist prison gangs wield power over inmates and guards.
Islamic Finance Industry Shows String Growth Worldwide
April 28, 2022
Sharia-compliant/compatible finance assets continue to show robust global growth and are projected to reach almost $4 trillion within the next two years, according to a comprehensive report issued by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) Islamic Development Bank, with especially strong expansion of the Islamic banking sector in the regions of the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
Turkey's Islamist President Perpetuates Genocide Denial
April 27, 2022
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called out US President Joseph Biden for America's recognition of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks, with the president of Turkey's Islamist regime condemning the US for relying on "false information and the absence of historical knowledge."
IS & Al-Qaeda Leaderships View Ukraine as Strategic Opportunity for Islamist Ops But Disagree on Tactics
April 27, 2022
Leaderships of both IS and Al-Qaeda (AQ) are using their propaganda sites to celebrate the Russian war in Ukraine as a strategic opportunity for jihadist operations worldwide, but has disagreed about Chechen jihadists’ participation in support of Russia’s engagement, with IS urging a tactical focus on maximizing operations in Europe and rejecting any collaboration with “infidels” and AQ urging use of tactical opportunities in all contexts.
Palestinian Islamist Groups Raise Tensions Around Al-Aqua Mosur and Temple Mount in Israel
April 27, 2022
Palestinian Islamist militant groups have intensified escalatory discourse related to the status of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount site in Israel, implying that engagement between Muslim worshipers and Israeli security forces at the shared site could lead to actions against Israel by Islamist groups and supportive state patrons in the Mideast.