Global Political Islam

  • Murray Warns of Dutch Religious Speech Restrictions

    November 08, 2016

    Commentator Douglas Murray identifies the trial in the Netherlands of anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders for a speech in which he supported removing Moroccans from the country as a modern European "blasphemy" trial in which the state polices religious criticism.

  • NATO Member Turkey Moves Toward Islamist Autocracy

    November 07, 2016

    Last week's continuing political and media purges and emergency decrees on the annual Republic Day celebrations by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan moved the NATO ally one step closer to an Islamist autocracy and signaled that the consolidation of an Islamist dictatorship amounts to a return to an Ottoman Empire model of governance and geopolitics.

  • Shiite Iran Makes Gains on Sunni Saudi Arabia

    November 07, 2016

    The geopolitics of the Mideast reflect rising threat levels for the region and global stability, given the intensification of Islamist power struggles stretching from the Arabian Gulf to the Eastern Mediterranean that indicate Shiite Iran registering gains in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, at the expense of Sunni Saudi Arabia.

  • US Intel Warns of Pre-Election al-Qaeda Attack

    November 07, 2016

    US intelligence and law enforcement agencies have stepped up assessment and cooperation while investigating the credibility of reports that al-Qaeda is planning targeted terrorist attacks inside the country on the eve of the country's November national election.

  • Islamist Extremists Flex Power in Indonesia

    November 07, 2016

    The growing power of Islamist extremists was on full display in a violent public protest in the capital city of Indonesia, the country with the world's largest Muslim population, where the Islamic Defenders Group led a massive rally demanding the resignation of a Christian mayoral candidate for comments deemed "insulting to the Koran."

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