Blasphemy Conviction of Nigerian Atheist Reveals Conditions Under Islamist Rule
April 08, 2022
A court in the Islamist-governed region of northern Nigeria handed down a 24-year prison sentence for the crime of blasphemy to an atheist who publically criticized religion, citiing the Facebooker's posts as a violation of Islamic blasphemy law that prevents criticism of Islam, and the trial has spotlighted the freedom of speech and religion violations imposed under Islamic governance.
Bari Arrests Underscore Transnational Links Between Albanians in Italy and Islamic State
April 08, 2022
Italian police noted that the arrest of four Albanian citizens in Italy's southern port city of Baria pointed to transnational links between the Islamic community of Bari and the Islamic State (IS), given that the arrests uncovered pro-IS videos and other terrorist propaganda, as well as fundraising evidence connecting the local community to an pro-IS imam currently imprisoned in Albania.
UN Mission in Africa Warns of Expanding Jihadist Operations
April 06, 2022
The UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) is warning about the expanding operations in the African Sahel region of diverse jihadist groups associated with al-Qaeda and IS, with Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso at the epicenter of Islamist violence, with consequent high numbers of civilian casualties and internally displaced populations, as well as weakening state capacity to defend borders and provide human security.
Experts Watch US Trial of IS Beatle for Changes to Future Terrorism Cases
April 05, 2022
According to The Guardian, legal experts are carefully following the US trial underway in a federal court in Virginia against the British national who was part of the four “Beatles” IS fighters charged with kidnapping, raping, and beheading American hostages in Syria, because the trial may set a precedent in using international and domestic laws to bring hostage-takers to justice after military engagement has long ceased.
IS Commando Attack Disrupts Regional Security Summit in Israel
April 04, 2022
IS fighters carried out a lethal commando attack in Israel, designed to disrupt the regional summit of key MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries Israel, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco, with the attack generating a collective statement of condemnation by the countries aiming to advance their security and intelligence cooperation in the face of threats from radical Islamist groups.