Global Political Islam

  • Malaysia Detains Rapper for "Insulting Religion"

    August 25, 2016

    AP reports that Malaysia has detained rapper Wee Meng Chee while it investigates complaints that he insulted Islam by using the Malay word for God and performing in front of places of worship in his latest music video.

  • German Report Highlights Turkey's Support for Islamism

    August 25, 2016

    An internal report from the German Ministry of the Interior highlights the Turkish Government's statements of support for and "ideological affinity" with the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups and accuses Turkey of financing terrorist organizations.

  • Report Warns of Islamist Recruitment in Mosques, Refugee Facilities

    August 24, 2016

    A new intelligence report by Germany's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution identifies the national security risks associated with challenges in monitoring the systematic recruitment efforts by the Islamic State and other Islamist groups inside Germany's mosques and refugee centers.

  • Jordan Arrests Satirist for Blasphemy Against Islam

    August 24, 2016

    A well-known Jordanian satirist widely known in the country for his public declarations of non-belief has been arrested on charges of blasphemy against Islam after he published an anti-Islamic State cartoon depicting an IS member in conversation with God.

  • OIC Chief's Visit to Bangladesh Signals South Asian Focus

    August 24, 2016

    The Saudi Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is making his third trip in as many years to Bangladesh at the start of a four-country, South Asian junket by the OIC chief, highlighting the region's importance to the 57-member-state organization whose charter is dedicated to promoting the interests of the global Muslim community in line with sharia law.

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