Global Political Islam

  • OIC Calls for UN Action on Jerusalem Holy Sites

    August 24, 2016

    The Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation accused Israel of violating international law by enabling the "desecration of Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque" and called on the UN Security Council to take action against "Israeli attacks on Islamic and Christian" holy sites in Jerusalem.

  • Boko Haram Split Turns Jihadi Focus Toward Christians

    August 24, 2016

    Boko Haram's split into competing factions signals a hard shift toward the exclusive targeting of Christians by Nigeria's Islamist extremist organization, consistent with the Islamic State's strategy of killing Christians in Europe and Africa to provoke a Muslim-Christian holy war aimed to achieve a global Islamist caliphate.

  • Observers Blame Migration, Neoliberalism for European Islamization

    August 24, 2016

    Some social science experts warn that the combination of neoliberal economic elites committed to a post-national, borderless Europe on the one hand and massive migration of Muslims into European countries on the other is facilitating the Islamization of Europe via the creation of "Islamic moral economies" and sharia zones antithetical to the modern nation-state.

  • Sharia Investors Target Sub-Saharan Africa

    August 24, 2016

    Major sharia finance investors from the Mideast and South Asia are implementing target strategies for sub-Saharan Africa, a region whose economic growth forecasts, development needs, and sizable Muslim demography are viewed as ripe for the competitive expansion of Islamic finance.

  • Experts Consider Mechanisms of Gradual Islamization in Europe

    August 24, 2016

    Experts from Europe's security, political, and civil society establishment are voicing concerns about the mechanisms and goals of a "quiet Islamist conquest" underway in Europe, evidenced in Saudi and Qatari funding for Islamic education, national election candidates with Islamist sympathies, and the establishment of parallel Islamic justice institutions.

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