Global Political Islam

  • Syrian Refugee Suicide Bomber in Germany Was IS Loyalist

    July 26, 2016

    Evidence has emerged that a young Syrian refugee in Germany who detonated a suicide bomb injuring 15 people in a US military garrison town was an Islamic State loyalist, spiking security concerns about links among Germany's refugee policy, Islamist terrorism, and youth radicalization.

  • US Sues Township over Alleged Anti-Muslim Zoning Law

    July 26, 2016

    Echoing claims of religious discrimination from a pending lawsuit on the same issue filed by the Philadelphia Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a lawsuit from the US Department of Justice against Bensalem Township in Pennsylvania alleges that the township's denial of a zoning variance to permit the construction of a mosque violates federal law.

  • Sharia Finance Investors Eye Italian Markets

    July 26, 2016

    Islamic finance investors aiming to diversify in European markets are reaching out to Italian financial experts to explore sharia-compliant changes to Italy's financial regulatory structures, part of a larger discussion in Italy about sharia investment as a possible antidote to Italy's economic woes in the wake of the UK's vote to leave the EU.

  • Nigerian Court Approves Hijab in Public Schools

    July 26, 2016

    In the latest legal ruling in a controversial debate relating to the use by followers of Islamist extremist group Boko Haram of headscarves to conceal suicide bombs in attacks in Nigeria, the country's Court of Appeals in Lagos state overturned a 2013 ban that prohibited Muslim girls from wearing the hijab headscarf in public schools.

  • Islamist Violence in Europe Raise Nuclear Weapon Concerns

    July 26, 2016

    The spate of Islamist terror attacks in EU countries like Belgium, as well as the failed coup attempt against NATO-member Turkey's Islamist government, has intensified debate among US strategy experts about the serious security risks associated with storing US nuclear bombs in transatlantic member-states.

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