Turkey's President Calls on Muslims in Europe to Mobilize Through Institutions
March 04, 2022
Turkey's Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met in Ankara with a delegation from his party's transnational political organization, the Union of International Democrats (UID), calling on them to mobilize Muslim communities across Europe to support Turkey's political Islamism at home and in Europe, with the UID serving as part of a larger institutional network of Ankara-funded entities for Turkey's influence-building in European politics, economics, and society.
Jihadists in Africa Capitalize on Poor Governance, Corruption & Poverty
March 04, 2022
Expanding jihadist activity and resilience on the African Continent led to the recent decision by France to withdraw its troops from a nine-year counter-terrorism and peacekeeping mission in Mali, with the failure of the military mission in Mali reflecting many of the root causes--endemic poverty and contested access to natural resources, poor governance, and corrupt political elites.
Treasury Sanctions Against Houthi Financiers Reveal Global Networks of Islamist Extremist Financing
March 02, 2022
The US Department of the Treasury has imposed sanctions on individuals and corporations designated for providing material assistance, financial sponsorship, and technological support to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) and their Yemeni Houthi clients, revealing the global scope of Islamist extremist operations, as the individuals and entities stretched from the United States to the Caribbean islands, Turkey, Iran and Yemen.
Turkey-Pakistan Defense Cooperation Signals Convergence on Islamist Ideology & Power Projection
March 02, 2022
Turkey and Pakistan are expanding their defense collaboration in a joint public-private partnership to produce a new generation of jet fighters, enabling Ankara and Islamabad to circumvent their defense reliance on the United States, and, instead, use a combination of American, Russian, and Chinese technologies to facilitate the Islamist regimes in their goal of becoming the religious and military leaders of global Islamism.
German FIS Intel Chief Warns of Renewed Islamist Terror Threats to Europe
March 02, 2022
The head of Germany's Foreign Intelligence Service has warned that the symbolic value of the Taliban's establishment of an Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, along with the country's permissive environment for operations by Islamist extremist groups, is raising the threat level of renewed Islamist terrorist attacks in Europe, with secondary threats emerging from mass distress migration into Europe from Asia and Africa.