Global Political Islam

  • IS Extorts Mosul Residents to Generate Cash-for-War Effort in Iraq

    February 23, 2016

    Responding to the Baghdad government's tactics to deprive the Islamic State ("IS") of revenues for its caliphate, IS has intensified its comprehensive extortion of Mosul residents for purposes of maintaining the jihadi war machine on the Iraqi front.

  • Libya Is at Epicenter of Expanding Islamist Threat in Africa

    February 23, 2016

    The expansion of jihadi groups, institutional structures, and illegal financial extortion and human smuggling activities spreading across Africa are throwing into sharp relief the global nature of the threat of violent Islamism, with the Islamic State's Libya franchise at the epicenter of the continent's Islamist networks.

  • OIC Warns UN Against Islamophobia in Resolution to Counter Violent Extremism

    February 17, 2016

    Representatives from the 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC"), the largest voting bloc in the UN, warned the UN General Assembly that the Secretary General's plan to combat violent extremism should avoid any identification of extremist terrorism with any "country, race, religion, culture or nationality," and cautioned that international efforts to counter violent extremism were generating an "escalation of Islamophobia."

  • Saudi Religious Police Arrest Doll Mascot for Violating Sharia Law

    February 17, 2016

    Saudi Arabia's Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the religious police infamous for arbitrary arrests and detentions of individuals charged with violations of the kingdom's Islamist theocratic laws, arrested a doll-costumed adult male, the mascot for a new sweet shop opening in the country's capital, for disregarding sharia dress codes by "pretending to be a woman."

  • US Resolution Stokes Concerns over Free Expression

    February 17, 2016

    Denis MacEoin of the Gatestone Institute expresses concern that a resolution proposed in the US House of Representatives condemning hate speech against Muslims is a "Trojan horse" that may lead to restrictions on "blasphemy" long advocated by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC").

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