Global Political Islam

  • San Bernardino Attacks Prompt Review of FiancĂ© Visa Program

    December 08, 2015

    AP reports that, following the discovery that accused San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik had used the US's "fiancé visa" program to enter the country when, according to FBI reports, she had been radicalized "for quite some time," the Obama Administration is reviewing changes to the program, which permits entry into the US to marry an American citizen.

  • IS Funds Jihad from Oil Sales and Trade with Turkey and Assad

    December 07, 2015

    The Islamic State's ("IS") Mideast caliphate and ever-globalizing jihad is being funded by lucrative oil sales and other commerce with Turkish government and black-market networks and, in some cases, with middlemen associated with Syria's Assad regime.

  • Islamic State Claims Followers Perpetrated California Attack

    December 07, 2015

    English and Arabic broadcasts on the official radio station of the jihadi entity Islamic State ("IS") have identified the perpetrators of the fatal terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, as supporters, "soldiers of the caliphate," using language similar to that assigned to gunmen who carried out a shooting in Garland, Texas, in May.

  • Refugee Crisis Complicates Risks of Returning Jihadis to Macedonia

    December 07, 2015

    Security officials in the Republic of Macedonia are monitoring the activities of Macedonian nationals returning from the war in Syria as a potential jihadi threat and warn that massive refugee flows into the Balkans are complicating the region's security risks.

  • Indonesian Muslim Organization Pushes Back Against Islamist Extremism

    December 07, 2015

    The Government of Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country, is cooperating with the country's leading Islamic public organization to spearhead systematic public education and religious training efforts aimed at countering the spread of the totalitarian extremist Islamism promoted by Islamic State ("IS").

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