Global Political Islam

  • Boko Haram's Female Jihadis Attack Chad

    December 07, 2015

    Three female suicide bombers from Boko Haram, the Nigerian Islamist extremist group that has been steadily expanding its war to impose sharia across West Africa, carried out a series of lethal attacks in the Lake Chad region marked by the militant group's deadly campaigns.

  • US Policy Debates on Mideast Refugees Provoke Questions About Islamism

    December 07, 2015

    The recent Islamic State ("IS") assault in Paris has ignited a firestorm of debate about US policy for Syrian and Iraqi refugees, especially given serious questions about the pernicious threats to constitutional liberties and security posed by refugees who are strictly compliant with sharia law.

  • US and Russia Lead on UN Resolution Targeting IS Finances

    December 07, 2015

    The United States and Russia are leading the effort for a UN Security Council resolution aimed to strangle the financial resources of the Islamic State ("IS"), including sanctions and prosecution for those involved in trade with IS.

  • Militant Islamism and Nationalism Fuel Turkey's Growing Intolerance and Violence

    December 02, 2015

    The deliberate use of exclusivist nationalism and militant Islamism by Turkey's governing Islamist Party ("AKP") to stifle media freedoms and to justify state violence against the country's Kurds and non-Muslims is also fueling growing societal intolerance toward ethnic and religious pluralism and is expanding sympathies for Islamic State ("IS") violent attacks against Western civilian targets.

  • Debates Continue on Preventive Action in US Against Violent Islamism

    December 02, 2015

    The aftershocks of the Islamic State's ("IS") terror attacks in Paris continue in US policy and media debates about optimal measures to prevent radical Islamist recruiting and attacks inside America, as analysis focuses on the salience of distinguishing between Islamism and Muslims.

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