Global Political Islam

  • OIC Calls out Europe for Islamophobia

    November 30, 2015

    In the wake of the Islamic State ("IS") attacks in Paris, the 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC"), which claims to represent the interests of Muslims worldwide, has called out the European Union for rising levels of "hate speech and Islamophobia" and for "failing to observe the teachings of the Koran."

  • Turkey Plays Both Sides in Battle with Islamist Repression and Terror

    November 30, 2015

    The possible fallout from Turkey's shooting down a Russian fighter jet has catalyzed a discussion in Western security circles about Turkey's ambiguous commitment to fighting Islamist extremism and violence, given Ankara's economic and military linkages to Islamic State ("IS") oil and fighters, as well as the use of Islamist arguments to justify comprehensive suspensions of domestic civil and political liberties.

  • Islamist Paramilitaries Take the Lead Against Turkey's Kurds

    November 30, 2015

    Human-rights experts and political activists are calling for inquiries into the possible Islamic State ("IS") connections of Islamist paramilitaries operating with growing violence and impunity against Turkey's Kurdish population concentrated along the country's southeastern border with Iraq and Syria.

  • IS Attack in Tunisia Signals Push into North Africa

    November 30, 2015

    The Islamic State ("IS") carried out a suicide bombing attack against a government target in Tunisia's capital, signaling growing aggression by the violent Islamist group to expand its North African footprint beyond Libya.

  • NATO and G20 Face Problems with Islamist Insiders

    November 25, 2015

    As the United States has stepped up efforts to mobilize the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ("NATO") and the Group of 20 ("G20") in a multilateral strategy to combat the Islamic State ("IS"), Washington faces challenges from spoilers inside NATO and the G20, namely, the key Islamist states of Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

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