Global Political Islam

  • Islamist Jihadi Networks Stretch from Caucasus to Near East

    November 25, 2015

    Russian political leaders are gravely concerned about the increasing networks of Islamist radicalization, recruitment, and violence that are active in the strategic area of the Caucasus and are directly involved on the Syrian front with the Islamic State ("IS").

  • UN Resolution on IS Acknowledges Threat of Global Islamist Violence

    November 25, 2015

    The UN Security Council passed a resolution calling on countries around the world to take "all necessary measures, in compliance with international law," to combat the Islamic State ("IS"), an implicit acknowledgment by the frequently fractious UN body that extremist Islamist violence constitutes a clear and present danger to world order.

  • OIC Omits Perpetrators as It Condemns Mali Attack

    November 25, 2015

    The Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") used boilerplate language in his condemnation of the recent terror-and-hostage episode in Mali, omitting any reference to the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamists who perpetrated the attack.

  • Data on Defeat of IS Are Sobering in Complexity and Time Horizon

    November 25, 2015

    Comparative, longitudinal data on resolving civil wars suggest that building a durable post-Islamic State ("IS") security order in Syria will require a long time horizon and a complex diplomatic strategy involving multiple stakeholders, making the military solution to the IS threat the least-complicated aspect in a successful strategy.

  • Saudi-Maldives Ties Create Openings for Puritanical Islamism to Indian Ocean

    November 25, 2015

    The governments of Saudi Arabia and the Maldives announced a new agreement to "improve relations in the field of religious cooperation," a move that gives Saudi Arabia the opportunity to use both religious and cultural platforms, as well as economic assistance, to spread puritanical Wahhabi Islamism into the Indian Ocean region.

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