Global Political Islam

  • OIC Member-States Are Key Exporters of Global Islamist Violence

    November 25, 2015

    The 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") is implicated in the export of global Islamist violence, given that 27 OIC member-states are identified as key suppliers of foreign fighters for the Islamic State ("IS"), based on findings in the 2015 Global Terrorism Index, a comprehensive database of terror activities collated by global think tank Institute for Economics and Peace and collected by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland.

  • Extremist Islamist Groups Top Global Terrorism Index

    November 20, 2015

    Boko Haram and the Islamic State ("IS"), both extremist Islamist groups aiming to impose sharia law in Africa and the Mideast, topped the Global Terrorism Index for 2015 and are expected to continue to lead global violence metrics in 2015, according to the respected global think tank Institute for Economics and Peace.

  • Paris Attacks Lead to Focus on Belgium's Serious Jihadi Problem

    November 20, 2015

    Last week's brutal Islamic State attacks in Paris underscored Belgium's serious problem with radical Islamism and jihadis, given that the country has sent more jihadis per capita to Syria than any other country in Europe and in light of comparatively high rates of foreign-fighter returnees to Belgium.

  • Latest Attack Pattern Suggests IS Is Globalizing Jihad

    November 18, 2015

    The attacks in Paris by Islamic State ("IS") supporters follow IS attacks on pro-Hezbollah neighborhoods in Beirut and the downing of a Russian airliner over the Egyptian Sinai, signaling a new pattern of globalized jihad operations against civilian targets and a likely uptick of Syrian refugees fleeing the brutality and fanaticism of the caliphate territories in Iraq and Syria.

  • Fear and Welfare Are the Linchpins of Life in the Islamic State

    November 18, 2015

    The Islamic State ("IS") relies on cultivating a culture of fear and on implementing welfare state policies as the main control mechanisms for running the IS caliphate.

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