Global Political Islam

  • Islamic State Continues Cultural and Religious Cleansing of Syrian Sites

    September 02, 2015

    UN satellite imagery has confirmed that Islamic State ("IS") forces continued their cleansing rampage against Syria's religious and cultural antiquities, with the destruction of the 1st-century Roman Temple of Bel in the captured city of Palmyra the latest episode in IS's use of antiquities eradication, looting, and black-marketeering to support the expansion of the radical Islamist caliphate.

  • Violence and Discrimination Against Non-Muslim Citizens Reflects Islamization of Pakistani State and Society

    September 02, 2015

    Pakistani state officials are increasingly supportive of radical Islamist groups and ideology committed to both the domestic application of sharia law and a jihadist foreign policy, as evidenced in the intensification of violent assaults and discrimination with impunity against Pakistan's non-Muslim minority citizens.

  • Boko Haram Pushes Caliphate War Toward Nigeria's Capital

    August 31, 2015

    In the wake of another lethal attack against civilian villagers in the Nigerian southern region by Boko Haram in its war to impose sharia law throughout the country, Nigerian government officials are warning that the Islamist extremist group, which has pledged allegiance to the caliphate of the Islamic State ("IS"), is beginning a push toward the country's capital.

  • Architect of IS Suicide Bombings Warns of Expanding Caliphate

    August 31, 2015

    The now-imprisoned mastermind of the Islamic State's ("IS") unrelenting campaign of suicide bombers in Iraq's capital of Baghdad warned in an interview with British media that the globalization of the Islamic caliphate "is coming" and that the last year's advances of IS cannot be undone because "the caliphate is a reality.”

  • Azerbaijan Is a Key Player in Global Islamic Activism

    August 31, 2015

    The Secretary General of the 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") publicly lauded Azerbaijan for its leadership role in advancing the political, economic, and humanitarian agenda of the multilateral OIC, whose charter aims to achieve global solidarity of Muslims worldwide.

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