Global Political Islam

  • IS Beheading of Syrian Archaeologist Highlights Civilizational and Financial Dimensions of Jihad

    August 26, 2015

    Islamic State ("IS") militants beheaded a world-renowned Syrian archaeologist because he refused to surrender information about the location of priceless artifacts from the captured Syrian city of Palmyra, a World Heritage site which IS has used for a multi-dimensional jihadi policy that uses civilizational and cultural rapine to fund violence.

  • Penetration of Islamist Sectarianism in Mali Raises Concerns About Regional Stability

    August 26, 2015

    As Iran and Saudi Arabia are implementing policies of deliberate religious and cultural penetration in Mali by introducing hardline Shiite-versus-Sunni interpretations of Islam to mosques and schools, security experts warn that radical Islamist sectarianism may destabilize West Africa.

  • Al-Qaeda Endorsement Shows Taliban Commitment to Afghanistan as a Sharia State

    August 26, 2015

    The recent endorsement of the Taliban's new leader by al-Qaeda's chief in Iraq reveals that the Afghan Islamist organization remains committed to making Afghanistan into southwest Asia's premier sharia state and a haven for global jihadis like those who perpetrated the 9/11 terror attacks.

  • OIC Statement Insists that Combating Islamophobia is Element of Countering Violent Extremism

    August 26, 2015

    Addressing the UN Security Council on the topic of regional organizations and global security, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's ("OIC") representative emphasized OIC's 57-member-states' commitment to countering terrorism, but insisted that combating Islamophobia must be an intrinsic dimension of measures to countering violent extremism.

  • Egyptian IS Sympathizers Bomb State Buildings

    August 26, 2015

    Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, the Egyptian affiliate of the Islamic State ("IS") active in the North Sinai area between Egypt and Israel, claimed responsibility for today's car bombing of a state security building and courthouse near Cairo, signaling the militant group's escalation of IS's jihadi tactics aiming to overthrow the al-Sisi government.

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