Global Political Islam

  • Pakistani Courts Convict Taliban Members for Assault on Malala Yousafzai

    May 01, 2015

    A Pakistani court has convicted 10 members of the country's violent Islamist extremist Taliban for the attempted murder of child activist Malala Yousafzai, who had been targeted as "a symbol of the infidels and obscenity" because of her advocacy on behalf of education for girls.

  • Saudi Royal Family Politicizes Islam in Domestic and Foreign Policies

    May 01, 2015

    Saudi Arabia's royal family is fueling domestic competition between hardline Islamists and liberals, while also playing the Sunni sectarian-nationalist card to secure both groups' support for intervention in Yemen against the Shiite Houthis, as a strategy for maintaining royal power and avoiding implementing of domestic political and social reforms.

  • Violent Islamist Threat Spawns Intense Debate in Canada about Intel and Security Reform

    April 27, 2015

    In response to two Islamist-inspired terrorist attacks in late 2014 in Canada, the Ottawa government has introduced Bill C-51, aimed at countering the threat of Islamist radicalization and terror, but what is being called Canada's equivalent of the USA Patriot Act is provoking heated political debate about how to balance security and intelligence priorities with civil liberties protections.

  • Turkey's Government Uses Armenian Genocide Centennial to Consolidate Islamist Credentials

    April 22, 2015

    Turkey's Islamist government is using a combination of threats against NATO allies and accusations of Western Islamophobia to politicize global remembrance events of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, part of the broader effort by Turkey's President and Prime Minister to consolidate domestic power behind the ruling Islamist party and to expand Turkey's claims to global status as protector of the Muslims worldwide.

  • OIC Looks to Expand Relationship with Philippines

    April 22, 2015

    An official leadership delegation of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") concluded a recent visit to the Philippines, centered on efforts to restart stalled peace negotiations between the government in Manila and pro-autonomy Islamic guerrilla groups in the country, and the OIC leadership announced the possibility of expanding relations with the Philippines by granting the government observer status in the 57-member-state organization.

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