Al-Shabaab Advances in Somalia Signal Islamist Gains
January 10, 2022
The vulnerabilities of the Horn of Africa to radical Islamist groups are being revealed by the steady advance of al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Shabaab in Somalia, where a weak state, political fragmentation, and the refocus of US and African Union to other crisis spots are creating permissive conditions for al-Shabaab’s gains towards imposing an Islamist regime.
German Intel Exposes Link Between Hamburg Islamic Organization & Iranian Revolutionary Guard
January 08, 2022
German intelligence authorities discovered Iranian penetration through affiliation with the Hamburg Shura Council, an association of Islamic organizations in the northern port city, uncovering connections between the Shura Council group member’s Iran Hamburg Center and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
Afghan Women Told to Cover with Burqa by Taliban Religious Police
January 08, 2022
The Taliban’s religious police, the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, which are charged with policing the implementation of sharia law in Afghanistan, have announced that Islamic precepts demand that all women should wear the full face-body covering of the burqa, delivering another blow to the rapid corrosion in women’s civil and political liberties.
Islamist Extremism Poses Major Impediment to Monetizing Afghanistan’s Rich Natural Resources
January 08, 2022
Afghanistan possesses a huge stock key rare earth minerals that are essential to the world’s transition to clean and digital economies, however the country’s lack of ability to monetize those resources through foreign direct investment and know how remains a roadblock due to volatile security conditions and human rights violations under the Taliban Islamist extremist regime.
French Mosque Closure Following Imam’s Incitements to Hatred & Violence
January 05, 2022
French security authorities have ordered the six-month closure of the Great Mosque of Beauvais, following reports that the local imam was celebrating jihadists as heroes and inciting hatred against Jews, Christians, and homosexuals.