Global Political Islam

  • British Government Report on Muslim Brotherhood Could Raise Tensions with Arab Gulf Monarchies

    March 18, 2015

    Political experts opine that, to avoid harming relations with British allies Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, both of whom have declared the Muslim Brotherhood ("MB") a terrorist organization, the British Government has postponed the release of a comprehensive report on the MB in the United Kingdom, which recommends against designating the group as terrorists.

  • Effective Response to Globalization of Jihadi Radicalism Depends on Addressing Factors Common To All Islamist Militant Groups

    March 18, 2015

    Any possibilities for an effective strategic response to the threats presented by the global proliferation and diversification of violent Islamist jihadi groups - one which rejects a permanent war footing and a perpetual reactiveness - depends on recognizing and responding to the shared realities of religious purity and deep-rooted resentment for Western policy choices identified by Islamism with political authoritarianism, economic inequity, and compromised sovereignty.

  • Tunisia's Islamists Reject Extremism of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Model

    March 18, 2015

    Tunisia's Islamist Party, Ennahada, has been able to maintain its political relevance in Tunisia's democratization by foregoing the ideological maximalism and religious extremism that were the hallmarks of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and by choosing coalition-building with leftist and secularist political parties committed to pluralism.

  • U.S. Air Force Vet Indictment Points to Islamic State Recruiting Reach

    March 18, 2015

    The details of the U.S. federal grand jury indictment of a former U.S. Air Force veteran on terrorism charges related to his support for the Islamic State ("IS") reveals the scope and success of the violent Islamist organization's recruiting initiatives for global jihadi operations.

  • Sharia Finance Expanding in Africa

    March 18, 2015

    Financial and political trendlines show that sharia-compliant and sharia-compatible financing and products are spreading on the African continent, where 25 percent of the world's Muslims reside, with Nigeria moving aggressively to establish itself as the sharia finance hub for Africa.

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