Global Political Islam

  • British Universities Facing Islamist Radicalism Problem

    March 04, 2015

    The revelation that Islamic State ("IS") executioner “Jihadi John” is a graduate of a London’s University of Westminster has turned up the spotlight on the serious problem of middle class students being targeted on the country's university campuses for ideological and military recruitment by Middle East jihadi groups.

  • Austria Reforms Islam Law to Prevent Radical Influence from Foreign Sources

    March 04, 2015

    Austria's Parliament passed an amendment to the country's 1902 Islam law, aiming to prevent deliberate, external radical Islamist influence in the country by prohibiting foreign funding for mosques and imams, while so protecting civil, political, and religious rights for Austria's six percent Muslim population.

  • IS Fighting Hearts-and-Minds Battle for Legitimacy as Sole Arbiter of Islamic Radicalism

    March 04, 2015

    The Islamic State ("IS") is engaged in a hearts-and-minds struggle with competing Sunni and Salafist leaders and institutions in order to establish IS's ideological credentials necessary for sustainable recruiting, durable institutions, and global jihadi activities.

  • Saudi King Criticizes Islamist Extremism as Deviation from True Islam

    March 04, 2015

    Saudi Arabia's King Salman hosted last week's "World Conference 'Islam and Counter-Terrorism" in Mecca, calling on participants to work toward rejecting “intolerance and extremism that offends Islam,” and characterizing Islamist extremists as responsible for "abusing Islam, the religion of moderation."

  • Experts Question Social Media Impacts on Islamist Radicalization

    March 04, 2015

    Experts are debating how to differentiate the comparative impacts of social media presence, battlefield success, or material conditions as drivers of radicalization and recruitment to Islamist violent extremist groups such as the Islamic State ("IS").

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