Global Political Islam

  • Nigeria's Election Debates Heat Up Over Threat of Islamization

    February 04, 2015

    Nigeria's approaching presidential and legislative elections are provoking intense debates about the potential for the country's accelerated Islamization, with the ruling party charging opposition presidential candidate as a support of sharia, while the opposition party has criticized Nigeria's current president for attending meetings of the global Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC").

  • UN Chief Endorses Multinational Security Response to Islamist Militants in Nigeria

    February 04, 2015

    The Secretary General of the United Nations has endorsed a proposal to create a multinational security force to combat the spread of violence by the Islamist jihadi group Boko Haram, which is expanding its war to impose sharia law throughout Nigeria to the neighboring countries of Cameroon, Chad, and Niger.

  • Taliban Attacks Prompt Pakistani Government to Train Teachers to Use Weapons

    February 04, 2015

    In the wake of the deadly attack on a school in Peshawar last month, Pakistan's provincial government is training school teachers and university instructors to use weapons to improve school security against possible future assaults by the radical Islamist group.

  • Video Reminds of Syrian Women and Children Hostages Held by Islamist Militants

    February 04, 2015

    A recently released video is circulating in cyberspace, a reminder of the 50-plus women and children from the multi-faith, Syrian port city of Latakia, who have been held hostage for well over a year by the al-Nusra Front, the Syrian Islamist group affiliated with al-Qaeda.

  • Role of Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan Reflects Shifting, Complex Players in Global Political Islamism

    February 04, 2015

    The Jordanian monarchy is facing competing domestic and external pressures in its dealings with the country's Muslim Brotherhood ("MB"), long a source of tacit support and legitimacy for the monarchy, but now viewed by domestic political opponents and Arabian Gulf regimes as a potential standard-bearer for violent, extremist Islamism committed to regional and global jihad.

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