Global Political Islam

  • UN Official Condemns Boko Haram for Using Girls as Suicide Bombers in Jihad Effort

    January 16, 2015

    The United Nations Special Envoy for Education condemned the Nigerian jihadi group Boko Haram for using young girls as suicide bombers in the Islamist extremist group's ongoing campaign to destablize Nigeria and make the country into a sharia state.

  • Reactions in Turkey to Charlie Hebdo Attack Show Range of Islamist and Secularist Divisions

    January 16, 2015

    The attack on the French journalists at Charlie Hebdo evoked mixed reactions from prominent Turkish political and religious leaders and social commentators, with formal condemnations against terrorism by government leaders matched by charges that the attacks are the products of Western conspiracies against Muslims and of opportunities for European Islamophobia, as well as by secularist-Islamist debates about the direction of Turkey's state and society.

  • Belgium's Counter-Terror Dragnet Highlights Complex Globalization of Islamist Extremism

    January 16, 2015

    Belgian security authorities are claiming success in the the massive counter-terror dragnet carried out against Islamist extremists allegedly planning violent attacks on Western European and American assets, but the security sweep reveals the complexities of how immigration, employment, and cultural demography in Europe are lightning rods that work to the advantage of globalized jihadi recruiters.

  • Pakistan Pro-Blasphemy Rally Hails Paris Attackers

    January 16, 2015

    A small-scale prayer rally in Peshawar, a key Pakistani city bordering Afghanistan, lauded the Islamist Attacks on Charlie Hebdo, a reminder of the fact that Pakistan imposes draconian Islamist blasphemy laws.

  • Muslim Religious Leaders Begin to Consider Islamist Sectarian Violence

    January 16, 2015

    In a move suggesting recognition of the spreading social disorder and state failures provoked by sectarian violence in Islam, several leading Muslim religious figures, including the Grand Imam of Egypt's Al-Azhar University, considered the center of Sunni learning, and prominent Imams in Iran, the epicenter of Shiite theology, have issued religious rulings prohibiting sectarian insults.

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