Global Political Islam

  • OIC Waffles on Free-Speech Limits that Fueled Islamist Attack on Charlie Hebdo

    January 14, 2015

    Although the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC"), the 57-member-state organization defined by its charter as "the collective voice of the Muslim world," issued an official statement condemning the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo news offices as "a terrorist act by criminal perpetrators," the OIC is actively engaged in lobbying for international legal restrictions on "defamation of religions," which are the equivalent of silencing mechanisms on any (Muslim and non-Muslim) dissent and criticism of Islam.

  • Libya's Civil War Raises Specter of More Islamist Attacks in Europe

    January 14, 2015

    The civil war conditions in Libya pitting secularist Sunni Muslims against radical Islamists committed to a sharia state raise the reasonable risk of new attacks in Europe from the Mediterranean, given that violent Libyan Islamists are already integrated into the networks of the Islamic State active in the Mideast.

  • Islamist Nationalism Driving Turkey's Domestic and Foreign Policies

    January 14, 2015

    The mix of neo-Ottoman expansionism and Islamist authoritarianism evident in Turkey's government is fueling nationalism in the country's domestic and foreign policies.

  • French Government Declares Radical Islamism a National Security Threat

    January 14, 2015

    In the wake of the recent attacks in France by individuals who self-identified with extremist Islamist groups, the country's Prime Minister declared that the country is at “war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islamism, against everything that is intended to break fraternity, liberty, solidarity."

  • UN and U.S. Leadership Responses to Islamist Extremist Attacks in Paris Could Weaken Free Speech

    January 14, 2015

    The self-censorship displayed by international leaders - including the President of the United States, the Secretary General of the United Nations ("UN"), and other senior UN officials - who did not mention extremist or radical Islam in condemning the perpetrators of this past week's Paris attacks by individuals who declared their commitment to violent Islamist groups, may be a slippery slope to accepting the logic of Islamic blasphemy laws that corrode free speech protections in international politics.

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