Global Political Islam

  • OIC Bolstering Support for Palestinian Cause

    January 07, 2015

    The Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”), whose mission is to advance the interests of the worldwide Muslim community, visited the Palestinian Authority (“PA”) and the al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem, as part of the organization's push to improve bilateral cooperation with the PA.

  • Muslim Leaders and Activists Use Social Media to Condemn Islamist Assault on French Newspaper

    January 07, 2015

    Muslim religious leaders, social activists, and public intellectuals, from Paris to Detroit, have taken to social media to issue condemnations of the fatal attack by apparent Islamist extremists at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, reflecting the strident debates within Islamic communities worldwide about the use of religious violence for political purposes.

  • Turkish Islamists Rolling Back Gender Rights

    January 07, 2015

    Turkey's Islamist (“AKP”) government and leading civil society supporters continue to politicize gender rights in the country, recently calling on women to avoid higher education in Europe, issuing a religious ruling against men watching female T.V. newscasters, and also equating birth control with treason, all part of the expanding effort to roll back the expansion in gender rights that had helped bring AKP to power over a decade ago.

  • Radical Islamist Expansion in Iraq Erasing Civilizational Footprint of Christianity

    January 07, 2015

    The jihadi war being waged by violent extremists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (“ISIS”) has led to massive casualties for non-radical Muslims and Yazidis in Iraq, but experts note that the disproportionately negative effects on the country's Christian communities  is hastening the extinction of the two-millennia presence of Eastern Christianity in Iraq.

  • Islamist Extremist Militias in Libya Target Coptic Christians for Kidnapping and Killing

    January 07, 2015

    Islamist extremist militias fighting to capture full control over Libya carried out another episode in the trend of targeted kidnappings and killings against Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Christians working as guest laborers in Libya.

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