Global Political Islam

  • Turkey Moves to Islamicize Education System

    December 11, 2014

    Turkey's National Education Council is proposing a set of comprehensive educational reforms designed to intensify the Islamicization of the country's K-12 education system and to implement the governing Islamist party's vision for "raising a devout generation."

  • Islamist Terror Organizations Understand the Logic of Cash Flow

    December 10, 2014

    There is a direct relationship between financial self-sufficiency and jihadi efficacy as practiced by The Islamic State (“IS”) in its rapid expansion in the Mideast, so that a robust model for crippling global Islamist terror groups depends on a coordinated strategy to reduce their cash flow from oil revenues, permissive Arabian Gulf financiers, and ransom monies for hostages.

  • OIC Combines Critique of ISIL with Blame on United States

    December 10, 2014

    The Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”) applauded the final communique of the recent Brussels meeting of the Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (“ISIL”), reiterating the OIC's view that ISIL is "the archenemy of Islam," but also charging the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 with creating conditions that gave rise to ISIL.

  • Jihadis Capitalize on Kenya's Democracy Deficit and Anti-Terror Excesses

    December 10, 2014

    Last week's al-Shabaab execution of a group of Christian mining workers in Kenya underscored the jihadi group's continuing strategy of provoking communal war in the country and of capitalizing on the Nairobi government's democracy problems and anti-terror excesses.

  • Pakistan Widening Its Use of Blasphemy Laws for Censorship

    December 10, 2014

    Human rights experts have detailed how Pakistan's notorious blasphemy laws, which criminalize insults of Islam's prophet and of Islam, have long been used to justify state impunity and societal violence against the country's religious minorities and economically disenfranchised strata, but a high-profile police investigation of a superstar Muslim singer suggests that blasphemy laws are beginning to be applied more broadly as a censorship tool.

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