Islamist Sectarianism Sparks Violence in Australia
December 03, 2014
A Shiite Muslim community leader was shot in the face outside a local prayer hall in Sydney, Australia, by vigilantes claiming to support The Islamic State (“IS”), raising the possibility of Islamist sectarian violence as far afield as Oceania.
OIC Moving Forward to Establish Islamic Common Market
December 03, 2014
The Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (“COMCEC”) of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”) completed its meetings in Turkey with a decision to move forward on drafting a roadmap for establishing an "Islamic Common Market" that will involve a free trade area and intensified economic and financial integration among the 57 member-states of the global Islamic organization.
Saudi Arabia Facing Blowback from Radical Islamist Sectarianism
December 03, 2014
Saudi Arabia's government has had a longstanding policy of supporting radical Sunni Islamists in characterizing Shiites as heretical Muslims who must be repressed, but rising incidents of Sunni-Shiite violence and social unrest inside the Kingdom suggests that playing the sectarian card is causing dangerous blowback.
Islamic State Launches Attack from Turkey on Kobani
December 03, 2014
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (“SOHR”) is reporting that the Islamist jihadi group known as The Islamic State (“IS”) has launched attacks against Kobani, the predominantly Kurdish town in northern Syria, from inside Turkey's borders.
Islamist Militants Expanding Attacks in Egyptian Sinai
December 03, 2014
Islamist militants are ratcheting up attacks against Egypt's military in the Sinai Peninsula, signaling the expanding footprint of jihadi-salafist ideas and non-state actors committed to overthrowing the current government in Cairo.