Turkey Calls on OIC to Organize Action Against Israel on Al-Aqsa Issue
November 12, 2014
Senior government officials in Turkey called on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”) to take the lead in mobilizing the OIC's 57 member-states in collective action for Muslims worldwide, against Israel for its "aggression and assaults" on the Al-Aqsa mosque complex in Jerusalem.
Support of Islamic Caliphate on Uptick in Turkey
November 12, 2014
Civil society groups and political leaders in Turkey are advancing robust claims in support of The Islamic State (“IS”) and, more broadly, of the reestablishment of the Ottoman caliphate in Turkey.
North America Gets First Islamic Art Museum in Canada
November 12, 2014
The politics of art are on full display in North America's first Muslim art museum, recently opened in Canada and funded entirely by the internationally renowned Agha Khan Foundation, whose leader represents an offshoot of Shiite Islam and who identifies the museum's mission as showing a kinder, gentler version of Islam that rejects the violent extremism of global Islamism.
Malaysia Draws High Student Numbers from OIC Countries
November 12, 2014
Malaysia's higher education system has become a destination for ever-growing numbers of students from member-states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”), and Malaysia's Minister of Education touted the country as "a trusted and respected centre of higher education for students from the Muslim World."
Sharia Courts and Islamists Gaining Ground in Malaysia
November 12, 2014
The growing influence of sharia courts, supporting forced conversions to Islam of minors and child abductions by Muslim parents from non-Muslim parents, reflects the country's divided religious-civil judicial system and the strong leverage of Islamist groups in Malaysia's government.