Egyptian Islamist Groups Debate IS as Strategy for Renewed Power
November 12, 2014
The seemingly contradictory positions adopted by Egypt's main Islamist formations, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists, about The Islamic State (“IS”) reflect the groups' shared goals of recapturing power inside Egypt and advancing a global caliphate.
Jordan's Monarchy Engages Domestic Islamist Critics
November 12, 2014
Addressing the country's Parliament, Jordan's King Abdullah rejected radical Islamist groups' calls for jihad against Israel and the anti-Islamic State coalition, arguing that support for the coalition is necessary to strengthen moderate, peaceful tendencies within Islam.
Jordan Moves to Prevent Domestic Threats from Violent Islamism
November 12, 2014
Jordan's government is implementing preventive measures designed to thwart the threat of violent Islamist extremism from domestic sources, by imposing strict controls over preaching in mosques and expanding the State Security Court's mandate on prosecutions of Islamist radical extremists.
Bahrain's Support for Radical Islamism Converges with Repression of Domestic Dissent
November 12, 2014
Human rights activists in Bahrain have criticized the government for supporting violent extremist Islamism by providing domestic support to The Islamic State (“IS”) preachers and jihadi recruiters, as part of the government's strategy to brand and repress dissidents as a Shia-led plot to destabilize the Sunni monarchy.
OIC Chief Questions Indian Control over Kashmir and Calls for Islamic Mobilization
November 12, 2014
The Secretary General of the 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”), Iyad Madani, declared the organization's commitment to "the cause of the Kashmiri people," announcing a set of OIC projects to mobilize "Islamic public opinion" around the world and criticizing the legitimacy of India's control in Kashmir.