Global Political Islam

  • Violent Islamist Groups Squeezing out Non-Extremist Forces in Syria

    November 05, 2014

    Violent Islamism, led by The Islamic State (“IS”) along with Free Syrian Army defections to Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front, is crowding out any non-extremist alternative to the al-Assad regime in Syria.

  • Jihadi Islamism Has Deepened Roots in the Netherlands

    November 05, 2014

    A new Dutch Intelligence Service report analyzes the sophisticated adaptation of recruitment, organizational, and ideological tactics by militant Islamist groups that account for the deep rooting of jihadi Islamism in the Netherlands.

  • Western Allies in Mideast Part of Problem in Spread of Violent Extremist Islamism

    November 05, 2014

    The support of key Western allies, such as Turkey and the Gulf monarchies, for jihadi caliphate proclaimed in the Mideast by the Islamic State (“IS”) continues to be instrumental in IS's expansion of territorial control in Iraq and Syria.

  • New Islamic Online Platform Launched as Parallel to Amazon

    November 05, 2014

    Malaysia's Prime Minister announced the launch of a new Islamic online platform,, that will aim to capture the 1.6 billion Muslim consumers around the world, focusing specifically on halal (sharia-based) consumer products and services.

  • UN Report Details Globalization of Extremist Islamism

    November 05, 2014

    A new report by the United Nations (“UN”) Security Council reveals that extremist Islamism committed to violent jihad is successfully and rapidly globalizing its recruitment and that jihadis returning to non-Muslim-majority countries of origin are a potential security threat for violent attacks.

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