Global Political Islam

  • Pakistan's Islamist Blasphemy Laws Mean Death Sentence for Christian

    October 22, 2014

    Pakistan's High Court has upheld the death sentence ruling against Asia Bibi, a Christian woman whose conviction of blasphemy under the country's notorious Islamist laws has mobilized international human rights actors who criticize the blasphemy laws for their arbitrary and expansive free speech and religious freedom limitations.

  • Violent Islamist Extremism Penetrates NATO as IS/ISIS Active Inside Turkey

    October 22, 2014

    The Islamic State (“IS/ISIS”) appears to be operating with relative impunity inside NATO's borders, as evidenced by a recent ISIS operation cutting across three Turkish towns and aiming to kidnap a top anti-Assad Syrian resistance fighter.

  • Pakistani Taliban Turn to IS Reflects Complex Globalization of Violent Islamism

    October 22, 2014

    Last week's pledge of allegiance to Islamic State (“IS”) self-proclaimed caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by the chief spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban and five Taliban regional commanders points to the incremental globalization of IS support, as well as to the intensifying competition amongst violent extremist Islamist groups for hegemony inside Pakistan.

  • Islamic State Condemned by U.S. as Non-Islamic and Enemy of Islam

    October 22, 2014

    The violent Islamists leading The Islamic State's admitted practices of raping, trafficking, and enslaving young women and girls from captive minority religious communities have been officially condemned by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry as "an enemy of Islam" and as a group that "does not represent Islam."

  • Arab Gulf Monarchies Confront Consequences of Own Support for Radical Islamism

    October 22, 2014

    Cascading violence and instability in the Middle East driven by the expansion of Islamic State (“IS/ISIS”) ground actions is provoking complicated domestic discussions in Arab Gulf monarchies over both the consequences and possible correctives to their regimes' support for competing  Islamist movements – from the Muslim Brotherhood, to al-Nusra Front, to al-Qaeda, to IS/ISIS.

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