Arab Gulf Monarchies Confront Consequences of Own Support for Radical Islamism
October 22, 2014
Cascading violence and instability in the Middle East driven by the expansion of Islamic State (“IS/ISIS”) ground actions is provoking complicated domestic discussions in Arab Gulf monarchies over both the consequences and possible correctives to their regimes' support for competing Islamist movements – from the Muslim Brotherhood, to al-Nusra Front, to al-Qaeda, to IS/ISIS.
Kurds and Islamists Battle in German City Streets over IS Assault on Kobani
October 17, 2014
Violent street clashes took place over the last week in Hamburg, Germany's second-largest city, between Kurds protesting Islamic State ("IS") attacks on the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani and Salafist Islamist sympathizers to the jihadi activities of IS.
Chinese Rule of Law and Due Process Challenges Raise Doubts about Government Counter-Terrorism Measures
October 17, 2014
The significant procedural shortcomings relating to China's recent prosecution and conviction of Uighur Muslim assailants allegedly driven by Islamist separatist ideology in the killings of Xinjiang citizens highlight the importance of distinguishing between legitimate and repressive counter-terrorism measures in China and elsewhere.
Islamic State Website May Change Iceland's Internet Freedom Paradigm
October 17, 2014
A website using the domain name of the jihadist movement Islamic State (“IS”) and running videos of IS hostage executions has been shut down by Iceland's official internet provider, signaling that Iceland may consider changing its international leadership position on Internet freedom in response to threats from the globalization of violent Islamism.
Western Jihadists Decry Coalition Attacks on Islamic State
October 17, 2014
In a collection of interviews with CBS news, Western jihadists fighting for the expansion and consolidation of The Islamic State (“IS”) defend the idea of an Islamist theocracy and decry coalition military attacks on IS.