Global Political Islam

  • OIC Chief Calls Islamic State and Boko Haram Non-Islamic

    September 24, 2014

    Speaking at the Bahraini offices of the International Peace Institute, the Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”) characterized groups such as The Islamic State and Boko Haram as having nothing in common with Islam, and argued that international humanitarian relief could best weaken radical groups' appeal to impoverished and excluded Muslims in places such as Iraq and Gaza.

  • OIC Chief and Iranian Foreign Minister Meet to Discuss Global Islamist Extremism

    September 24, 2014

    The Saudi Chief of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”) met with Iran's Foreign Minister in New York on the approach to the opening of the United Nations General Assembly, and issued a statement calling on "the Islamic world and Muslim nations" to combat terrorism and extremism as threats to Islam's global image.

  • Global Islamic Financial Forum Highlights Landmark Growth in Sharia Finance

    September 17, 2014

    The international financial institutions and ratings agencies attending the recent Global Islamic Financial Forum in Malaysia reported that 2014 was a "landmark year" in the continuing growth of a global industry of sharia-compliant/compatible financial products whose assets now total nearly $2 trillion and which is projected to experience robust growth over the next decade.

  • American ISIS Supporter Convicted of Conspiracy to Support Terrorism

    September 17, 2014

    Reflecting rising concerns about traction for violent Islamism inside America, U.S. citizen and Colorado resident Shannon Conley was convicted yesterday in federal district court of conspiracy to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (“ISIS”), after she was apprehended en route to Turkey and Syria and confessed her "view of Islam as requiring participation in violent jihad."

  • Ugandan Government Investigates Islamic University for Extremist Ties

    September 17, 2014

    The Ugandan government is investigating reported Islamist extremist activities in the Islamic University in Uganda (“IUIU”), an institution to which the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”) is preparing to disburse a multi-million-dollar development loan as part of the OIC's commitment to global Islamic universities, including those in Niger, Indonesia, Malaysia and Chicago, USA.

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