Global Political Islam

  • Islamic State Continues Jihadi Cleansing of Iraq's Religious Minorities

    August 06, 2014

    Forces from the Islamic State (the caliphate established in territory cutting across the Iraqi-Syrian border) continue their jihad against Iraq's non-Muslim religious minorities, expanding the cleansing perpetrated against Assyrian Christians to the small Yazidi communities of northwestern Iraq, with a series of convert-or-be-killed attacks against that ancient, pre-Christian, monotheistic community.

  • Militant Islamists Bring Jihadi Attacks into Lebanon from Syria and Iraq

    August 06, 2014

    Militant Islamists from the jihadi groups al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State are bringing their battle to Lebanon, after a weekend assault on a border town in the southern part of the country, raising fears that jihadist Islamists may be gaining ground in their goal of establishing a caliphate whose footprint covers the entire Levant.

  • Boko Haram Continues Assault on Christian Churches in Nigeria

    August 06, 2014

    The militant Islamist group Boko Haram, which aims to make Nigeria into a sharia state, continued its assault on the country's Christian presence, destroying five churches and publicly beheading two individuals over this past weekend.

  • Islamist Militants Consolidating Terror Caliphate in Iraq

    August 06, 2014

    Leaders of the Islamic State, the caliphate established by the Islamist extremist group formerly known as ISIS, are consolidating a terror state in a Iraqi territory, forcing Muslim women to fully veil and stop working, imposing convert-pay-flee options on Christians, destroying non-Sunni religious sites, and using violence to punish any Iraqis who object to the new Islamist order.

  • Religion-Politics Crackup at Core of British Government Shakeup

    August 06, 2014

    Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, the senior Foreign Office Minister in the British government, the first Muslim appointed to Cabinet, and formerly Minister for Faith Communities, resigned today in protest over what she characterized as London's "morally indefensible" position on Israel's actions in Gaza, raising many analysts' concerns about escalating tensions within Britain's sizable Muslim community and domestic religio-political blowback caused by British foreign policy on the Israel-Palestine issue.

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