Credible Threat of Islamist Attack on Vienna Churches Puts Police on High Alert
March 15, 2023
Police in Austria’s capital city have deployed on high alert in response to a credible threat in response to what the country’s intelligence services deemed a credible threat of an Islamist terrorist attack on Vienna’s churches.
OIC Has UN Platform on Internationalization of Combatting Islamophobia
March 13, 2023
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the 57-member-state multilateral entity that claims to speak for the global Muslim community and that constitute the largest voting block in the United Nations (UN), amplified its internationalization of the push to fight against Islamophobia, with the recent event co-sponsored by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the President the UN General Assembly on the occasion of the UN-designated “International Day to Combat Islamophobia.”
HRCP: Pakistan’s New Blasphemy Law is Discriminatory & Repressive
March 13, 2023
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), the largest independent human rights organization in the South Asian country, issued an official critique of the recent expansion of blasphemy legislation consequent to a unanimous vote by Pakistan’s National Assembly, with the HCRP expressing grave reservations about the law’s use as a tool of political repression of civil liberties in order silence opposition to the Islamist regime and as an instrument for societal discrimination and violence against the country’s non-Sunni Muslim religious minorities, who already are subjected to intimidation, persecution, and violence through the arbitrary deployment of Islamic blasphemy and apostasy accusations.
Nigeria Suffers Another Attack by Islamist Extremists
March 13, 2023
Islamist extremists groups continue to destabilize Nigeria’s security environment, with a multi-casualty attack against civilians that has been linked to Boko Haram the latest incident in sustained jihadist violence associated with competing Islamist militants associated with that group and with the Islamic State West Africa Province.
OIC Denounces Israel for Recent Violence in Jenin & Hawara
March 13, 2023
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) issued an official denunciation of the government of Israel for recent violence in the West Bank Palestinian refugee city-camp of Jenin, calling Israel the sole party responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Jenin and accusing the Israeli state authorities of complicity by inaction against the violence of Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the town of Hawara.