Experts Predict Strong Growth, Globalization of Islamic Finance
July 18, 2014
International financial experts predict that sharia-based economic growth will be especially robust over the next half decade, with "demographics, devotion, and disposable income" fueling the aggressive spread of Islamic finance and banking practices in both Asia and advanced OECD countries.
OIC Denounces Boko Haram Kidnappings as Contravention of Islamic Law
July 14, 2014
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC"), a 57-member-state organization representing the global umma (community of Muslims), condemned the kidnapping of over 200 schoolgirls by Nigerian Islamist extremist group Boko Haram as a contravention of Islamic teachings.
Islamist Extremist Group Continues Violent Campaign for Sharia State in Somalia
July 14, 2014
The Somali Islamist militant group al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for two recent bomb attacks in Mogadishu, one deadly, as part of the group's ongoing campaign to make Somalia into a sharia state.
Saudis Punish Apostasy with Prison and Lashings to Stifle Free Speech
July 14, 2014
Signaling continued efforts to stifle free speech and regulate social media under the religious justification of apostasy, a Saudi Arabia appeals court recently announced imprisonment and lashing as penalties for apostasy charges against a prominent internet critic of the Saudi religious regime.
Turkey's Islamists Get Bad Grades in Freedom House Report
July 14, 2014
Renowned think-tank Freedom House's recently released 2014 global report on freedom downgraded Turkey's Islamist government to unfree for turning away from liberalization, with massive crackdowns on civil and political liberties.