UK Leads on Integration of Global Sharia Finance with International Climate Change
November 15, 2021
The United Kingdom (UK) has led the establishment of three-year multinational High-Level Working Group (HLWG) aimed at ensuring the integration of sharia finance into all UN Climate Summit (COP26) initiatives, aiming to boost demand for sharia compatible/compatible instruments to support international climate change infrastructures and policies.
Africa’s Expanding Islamist Extremists Prompts Ivory Coast Counter with Investment, Jobs, Security
November 12, 2021
The steady expansion of Islamist extremist activities across Africa’s Sahel region has included targeted recruitment and radicalization of youth and intensified, anti-state violence, prompting the government of the Ivory Coast to counter with a preventive strategy that includes infrastructure investments that can generate jobs for youth.
Speech Freedoms Tighten Under Turkey's Islamo-Nationalist Regime
November 12, 2021
Turkey's Islamo-nationalist regime expanded its authoritarianism to efforts to silence the country's top comedian, condemning "treasonous statements" because of his criticism of human rights violations to which the NATO member-state's top Kurdish politician and leading philanthropist have been subjected via indefinite detentions.
Indonesia-UAE Cooperation Reflects Shifting Competition in Mideast and Asia for Global Islamist Leadership
November 12, 2021
The multi-billion-dollar cooperation between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is expanding from investments in infrastructure, defense and security, and wealth funds to include explicitly religious components that involve a joint commitment to "a vision of moderate Islam that propagates tolerance ».
Globalized Islamist Competition Shifts from Mideast to South Asian Epicenter
November 12, 2021
The regional epicenter of global Islamist competition is undergoing a measurable ideological and operational shift away from monopoly control by Mideast regimes to South Asia, the latter of whom are mobilizing their massive populations for global influence operations.