NGO Watch®

  • NGO Issues Guidelines on Rights Observance in IT Supply Chains

    July 16, 2018

    The nongovernmental organization Germanwatch has published, with financial support from the German government, a report containing recommendations to EU institutions and the information technology (IT) industry on how best to implement the global human rights agenda and OECD guidelines in guidelines on minerals sourcing.

  • Amnesty Shifts Global Policies on Abortion, Drug Control

    July 13, 2018

    Delegates to Amnesty International’s recent Global Assembly in Warsaw updated the activist organization’s positions on abortion and drug control, aiming to promote government policies that “guarantee access to safe and legal abortion in a broad way” and to end “heavy-handed criminalisation” in the enforcement of drug laws.

  • NGO: UN Compact Must Reduce Detention of Migrant Families

    July 13, 2018

    Amnesty International has published a press release calling on world leaders negotiating a Global Compact on Migration at the UN to agree a “zero-tolerance” approach toward detention of child migrants and a legal presumption against the detention of families on immigration-related grounds.

  • NGO Blames Creditors for Social, Economic Rights Impacts in Greece

    July 12, 2018

    An article from Amnesty International warns that creditors, including eurozone countries, have “side-lined Greece’s economic and social rights obligations” in imposing conditions on loans to the country and calls for them to perform a human rights impact assessment in the case of any future debt agreement reached with Greece.

  • NGO: UN Must Expand Rights Focus in Counter-terrorism Efforts

    July 12, 2018

    In a recent press release, Human Rights Watch laments that few of the discussions at a recent “counterterrorism week” at UN headquarters in New York explored the “core element” of human rights contained in the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, released in 2006, instead focusing on security and countering violent extremism.

  • NGO Seeks “International Accountability” for Israeli “War Crimes”

    July 12, 2018

    Human Rights Watch has praised the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for investigating and providing “international accountability” for “war crimes” related both to Israeli forces’ opening fire on what the nongovernmental organization identifies as “demonstrators” in Gaza and to Israeli settlement activity.

  • NGO Council Aims to Build “Political Will” for Refugee Cooperation

    July 11, 2018

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation’s World Refugee Council has published a paper exploring how to mobilize “political will” in favor of accepting and protecting refugees to place pressure on national and international policymakers to cooperate on global refugee issues.

  • NGO Blasts El Salvador on "Reproductive Rights"

    July 10, 2018

    Reflecting the frustration of UN entities and nongovernmental organizations with the rejection by some countries of the "sexual and reproductive health rights" agenda, Amnesty International has published an article calling El Salvador's decision not to repeal criminal penalties on those seeking an abortion a "sickening step backwards for human rights."

  • Paper Calls for NHRI Promotion of UN Indigenous Declaration

    July 09, 2018

    A paper from the Centre for International Governance Innovation explores the "crucial role" national human rights institutions (NHRIs) should play in promoting and monitoring governments' implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

  • NGOs Seek Strict Standards for Jewelry Due Diligence

    June 29, 2018

    A group of nongovernmental organizations and trade unions is calling on the Responsible Jewellery Council, which certifies companies in the jewelry industry for compliance with human rights and other standards, calling for the body to require more comprehensive due diligence in jewelry supply chains in line with OECD guidance.

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